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Venue: Westin - Chancellor clear filter
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Friday, February 28

9:00am MST

ATRF Your Pension Essentials
Friday February 28, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
This presentation is designed specifically for teachers that have recently joined the plan. It provides a general overview of the plan, including information about pension contributions, maintaining your spouse/beneficiary information, the eligibility requirements for a pension, purchasing leaves of absences and substitute service, and transferring service with another pension plan.
avatar for Kevin Whitehorne

Kevin Whitehorne

Pension Counsellor, Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund (ATRF)
A Pension counsellor with the Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund (ATRF).
Friday February 28, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
Westin - Chancellor Westin Hotel
  Retirement/New Teachers
  • Company English
  • format Chairs
  • Room Details Westin - Chancellor (Westin Hotel, Chairs Max capacity for 50 people)
  • Tags English

10:20am MST

ATRF Steps to Receiving Your Pension
Friday February 28, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am MST
This presentation is designed for teachers who are planning to retire during the current year or within the next few years. It provides detailed information about deciding to retire, the Steps to Retirement process and forms, the pension options, and post-retirement considerations.
avatar for Kevin Whitehorne

Kevin Whitehorne

Pension Counsellor, Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund (ATRF)
A Pension counsellor with the Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund (ATRF).
Friday February 28, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am MST
Westin - Chancellor Westin Hotel
  General Interest/Wellness
  • Company English
  • format Chairs
  • Room Details Westin - Chancellor (Westin Hotel, Chairs Max capacity for 50 people)
  • Tags English

1:00pm MST

Classroom Assessment Techniques
Friday February 28, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST
Are you looking for strategies to use in your classroom that will enhance student learning and provide you valuable feedback about your teaching practice? Formative assessment provides information on what, how much and how well students are learning. This information can guide instructional practice and will benefit all students; however, it will particularly have a positive impact on low-achievers. This would be a valuable session for you because it will introduce you to a range of formative classroom assessment techniques, how to use them, how to analyze the data that they gather, and how to share that data with students. The takeaways from this session are very practical and could be smoothly incorporated into your classroom regardless of teaching situation or teaching style.
avatar for Tyler Buchan

Tyler Buchan

Tyler Buchan is a teacher at Salisbury Composite High School in Sherwood Park, Alberta. He has taught science for over 15 years at schools in Alberta, Burkina Faso and Jamaica. He has degrees in Education and Arts from the University of Alberta, and a Master’s of Science in Science... Read More →
Friday February 28, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST
Westin - Chancellor Westin Hotel
  • Company English
  • format Chairs
  • Room Details Westin - Chancellor (Westin Hotel, Chairs Max capacity for 50 people)
  • Tags English

2:20pm MST

Lab Skills Performance Assesments
Friday February 28, 2025 2:20pm - 3:20pm MST
The use of performance assessments in the chemistry laboratory present unique opportunities for formative assessment. They are authentic ways for students to demonstrate their abilities and can positively affect students’ attitudes toward the lab, their academic achievement, and upon the overall environment of the classroom. When used in conjunction with student self-assessment checklists performance assessments can also promote metacognitive activity. This session will present how to administer performance assessments of five basic lab skills and the benefits to the classroom that result. The lab skills that will be discussed are measuring mass using an electronic balance, measuring volume using a graduated cylinder, lighting a Bunsen burner, measuring volume using a pipet, and completing one trial of a titration. Although this session focuses on high school chemistry, the ideas discussed could easily be adapted to the physics, biology or general science classroom.
avatar for Tyler Buchan

Tyler Buchan

Tyler Buchan is a teacher at Salisbury Composite High School in Sherwood Park, Alberta. He has taught science for over 15 years at schools in Alberta, Burkina Faso and Jamaica. He has degrees in Education and Arts from the University of Alberta, and a Master’s of Science in Science... Read More →
Friday February 28, 2025 2:20pm - 3:20pm MST
Westin - Chancellor Westin Hotel
  • Company English
  • format Chairs
  • Room Details Westin - Chancellor (Westin Hotel, Chairs Max capacity for 50 people)
  • Tags English

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