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Venue: Westin - Turner Valley clear filter
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Friday, February 28

9:00am MST

Using a Dialogic Feedback Approach to Get Students to Use Feedback
Friday February 28, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
Teachers spend a lot of time giving students feedback but it does not always mean students will use that feedback to improve their learning. This session will explore different ways to use a dialogic feedback approach that is interactive and involves students at every stage of the assessment cycle. From strategies to technology that are designed to make assessment more targeted, efficient and easier for teachers to use, participants will leave this session with concrete ways to increase students' feedback uptake.
avatar for Shelly Cloke

Shelly Cloke

A former high school principal, vice principal, secondary teacher and instructional coach, I am currently teaching Grade 7 Language Arts and Social Studies at HW Pickup School in Drayton Valley, as well as a casual Alberta Assessment Consortium contract presenter. My career-long passion... Read More →
Friday February 28, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
Westin - Turner Valley Westin Hotel
  English Language Arts, Social Studies
  • Company English
  • format Chairs
  • Room Details Westin - Turner Valley (Westin Hotel, Chairs Max capacity for 90 people)
  • Tags English

10:20am MST

Team Meeting Protocol: Data Analysis Format That Your Teacher Teams Can Use to Build Collective Efficacy
Friday February 28, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am MST
Trying to find ways to have your staff work together for a common purpose or looking for ways to analyze common assessments that staff can use in their professional learning teams? This session will explore the Evidence Analysis Protocol (Donohoo, 2017), a six-step process that leaders can use to engage their staff that not only helps them analyze common assessment data (think RCAT, MIPI achievement or diploma data) but also build collective staff efficacy and have a process to use with their professional learning teams. Participants will be able to engage in a data analysis protocol (doesn't sound very exciting, I know...but it is actually!). Experiencing the protocol will allow leaders to model and implement this approach with their staff during collaborative team meetings. This effective approach keeps everyone engaged, focused on the task and generates great ideas and insights.
avatar for Shelly Cloke

Shelly Cloke

A former high school principal, vice principal, secondary teacher and instructional coach, I am currently teaching Grade 7 Language Arts and Social Studies at HW Pickup School in Drayton Valley, as well as a casual Alberta Assessment Consortium contract presenter. My career-long passion... Read More →
Friday February 28, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am MST
Westin - Turner Valley Westin Hotel
  Leadership, English Language Arts
  • Company English
  • format Chairs
  • Room Details Westin - Turner Valley (Westin Hotel, Chairs Max capacity for 90 people)
  • Tags English

11:40am MST

A Look at Vretta: The Future
Friday February 28, 2025 11:40am - 12:40pm MST
Have you heard of the mystical new assessment platform known as Vretta? Do you wish you knew more? If you answered "yes" to either of the previous questions, then this session may be right for you! Starting this year, high schools in Alberta will be required to use the Vretta platform to administer diploma exams. Join me as I walk you through using the Vretta platform in your classroom. From getting classes and assessments set up to viewing student responses and troubleshooting some glitches, this session will cover it all. There will also be resources available for introducing students to the Vretta system and a question and answer session.
avatar for Cindy Leung

Cindy Leung

I am a high school English and math teacher with Edmonton Public Schools. I have been trying to incorporate new technology into my classes, including the Vretta assessment platform.
Friday February 28, 2025 11:40am - 12:40pm MST
Westin - Turner Valley Westin Hotel
  English Language Arts, Social Studies
  • Company English
  • format Chairs
  • Room Details Westin - Turner Valley (Westin Hotel, Chairs Max capacity for 90 people)
  • Tags English

1:00pm MST

Let’s Talk About Food: Reframing messaging for an inclusive classroom
Friday February 28, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST
Have you ever wondered how to respond to your students' comments about food? Most of us grew up hearing foods described as “healthy” or “unhealthy,” but categorizing foods this way can harm our relationship with food and cause stress about eating. So how do we flip the script on this conversation with students? Join our Registered Dietitians in this interactive session exploring practical examples and strategies of how to have inclusive conversations around all foods with your students. Come and be part of the conversation! Teachers will leave this session with - Ready-to-use classroom materials and teaching tools.  - Strategies to promote inclusive conversations about food and eating in the classroom - Support from Registered Dietitians including tools which reflect best practices in nutrition education for your students
avatar for Jaclyn Chute

Jaclyn Chute

Registered Dietitian, Teach Nutrition
Jaclyn is is a Registered Dietitian with Teach Nutrition at Dairy Farmers of Canada. She is passionate about helping others cultivate a healthy relationship with food and themselves. She enjoys finding creative ways to share the message that eating can be nourishing and satisfying... Read More →
Friday February 28, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST
Westin - Turner Valley Westin Hotel
  CALM/Health/Life Skills, General Interest/Wellness
  • Company English
  • format Chairs
  • Room Details Westin - Turner Valley (Westin Hotel, Chairs Max capacity for 90 people)
  • Tags English

2:20pm MST

Youth Resistance Training: Myths & Facts
Friday February 28, 2025 2:20pm - 3:20pm MST
Are you confused about the information overload regarding youth resistance training? Join Amie (a certified strength & conditioning specialist, Kinesiologist & Olympic Weightlifting coach) for an evidence based session that examines how to safely implement youth resistance training at all ages.
avatar for Amie Mangan

Amie Mangan

Dr. Anne Anderson High School | Edmonton
Amie has been supporting student & teacher wellness in EPSB for over 14 years. As a Kinesiologist with a strong strength & conditioning background she is passionate about empowering teachers & students on their wellness journeys.
Friday February 28, 2025 2:20pm - 3:20pm MST
Westin - Turner Valley Westin Hotel
  CTS/CTF, Physical Education
  • Company English
  • format Chairs
  • Room Details Westin - Turner Valley (Westin Hotel, Chairs Max capacity for 90 people)
  • Tags English

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