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Thursday February 27, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am MST
Avez-vous jamais considéré la relation entre la grammaire et les mathématiques? Les deux contiennent des régularités! Enseigner la grammaire ne doit pas être compliqué pour vous ou pour vos élèves. Laissez-nous vous montrer comment utiliser les régularités et la compréhension afin de familiariser vos élèves avec les règles de grammaire (et surtout les verbes!).
avatar for Krista Maine - Avalon

Krista Maine - Avalon

Teacher, Edmonton Public Schools
I have been a French Immersion teacher with Edmonton Public Schools since 2011. Since 2016 I have taught junior high French Language Arts, and I recently completed a two-year secondment with Alberta Education in French Assessment. In addition to my teaching duties, I have taken part... Read More →
avatar for Annette Smith

Annette Smith

I am a retired French Immersion teacher with Edmonton Public Schools where I taught junior high FLA and Social Studies for 33 years. I was involved with Alberta Education in assessment for 31 years and assisted with the creation of exams and their provincial correction. I have presented... Read More →
Thursday February 27, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am MST
ECC - Salon 15/16
  Languages/EAL, Languages/EAL
  • Company French
  • format csv
  • Room Details ECC - Salon 15/16 (Edmonton Convention Centre (ECC), Max capacity for 50 people)
  • Tags French

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