Welcome to GETCA 2025! We are excited to see you soon...
Thursday February 27, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am MST
What happens when we give an assessment and find that many students are not meeting the outcomes--now what? This session will look at building more targeted assessments that show where students are at in their learning--do they have the foundational skills? Are they struggling with complexity or abstract concepts? Are they showing signs of going beyond the outcomes? Scaffolded assessments give a much clearer picture of student learning and help teachers determine interventions for students who struggle. Participants will develop a scaffolded assessment based on the outcomes they are currently teaching that will show where students are at in their learning.
avatar for Shelly Cloke

Shelly Cloke

A former high school principal, vice principal, secondary teacher and instructional coach, I am currently teaching Grade 7 Language Arts and Social Studies at HW Pickup School in Drayton Valley, as well as a casual Alberta Assessment Consortium contract presenter. My career-long passion... Read More →
Thursday February 27, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am MST
Westin - Turner Valley Westin Hotel
  English Language Arts, Mathematics
  • Company English
  • format Chairs
  • Room Details Westin - Turner Valley (Westin Hotel, Chairs Max capacity for 90 people)
  • Tags English

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