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Thursday February 27, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
I would like to speak about our emerginig local esports league as well as teaching esports classes within Jr/Sr Highschool. Speaking on the leauge we treat it very similar to a traditional sports league like basketball/hockey. I would explain our leauge structure/rules of play/hosting/tournaments Esports classroom: I would talk about my current course I teach around esports (JR course) and also how to introduce esports classes to higher CTS classes.
avatar for Connor He-Him

Connor He-Him

Teacher & Esports director, Fort McMurray catholic school board
I have been teaching in alberta for 5 years teaching at Holy Trinity Catholic High school in Fort McMurray during my time teaching I have tried to introduce esports multiple times with last year finally being our biggest success with me developing a local league between 3 of the highschools... Read More →
Thursday February 27, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
Centre High - Room 303 Centre High
  • Company English
  • format csv
  • Room Details Centre High - Room 303 (Centre High, Max capacity for 35 people)
  • Tags English

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