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Thursday, February 27

10:20am MST

How to Teach High School - Action Points
Thursday February 27, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am MST
Are you a new teacher, new to high school, or an education student? Do you wish that you had an experience where you were given specfiic action points to help you succeed right from Day 1? This session will focus on those action points to give you the confidence you need to step into a high school classroom. We will focus on how to start the class, manage behaviour, create effective engaging lessons, question strategically, and of course, use formative assessment. You will participate in a lesson where we will pause occasionally to explicitly discuss the methods used. Following the lesson, we will apply these action points to substitute teaching and how they can be modified for success.
avatar for Jill Agnew

Jill Agnew

Jill Agnew has taught high school science across the country and has recently been a supply teacher with CBE. She has contributed to the writing of a short manual on how to teach high school, from the perspective of a supply teacher.
avatar for Jane Diner

Jane Diner

Jane Diner and Jill Agnew have more than 50 years teaching as full time and supply high school science teachers. They have collaborated on writing a manual on how to teach high school: just enough to get started. This is a valuable tool for new teachers and anyone needing a refre... Read More →
Thursday February 27, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am MST
Centre High - Room 305 Centre High
  Retirement/New Teachers, Classroom Management
  • Company English
  • format csv
  • Room Details Centre High - Room 305 (Centre High, Max capacity for 35 people)
  • Tags English

10:20am MST

Working with new teachers: Levelling up your mentorship skills!
Thursday February 27, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am MST
Supporting new teachers can be both rewarding and challenging. Please join Dr. Vince Bustamante and Dr. Tim Cusack as they share an overview of their forthcoming teacher mentorship book (Corwin Press, Spring 2025). In this session they will share a mentorship mindset model, examine the attitudes, biases, conceptual knowledge, and dispositions (ABCDs) of mentorship and provide practical, hands-on ways to help you be the best mentor you can be!
avatar for Dr. Vince Bustamante

Dr. Vince Bustamante

Author, Corwin Press
Vince Bustamante, Ed.D., is a Calgary-based instructional coach, curriculum content developer, and author. Formerly focused on school improvement, Vince now specializes in working with teachers, leadership teams, schools, and school districts in implementing high impact strategies... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Tim Cusack

Dr. Tim Cusack

Deputy Chief Superintendent, Edmonton Catholic School Division
With over thirty years of experience as a classroom teacher, department head, assistant principal, principal, and superintendent, Tim currently serves as the Dean of Education at Concordia University of Edmonton working with pre-service teachers and leading a Master of Educational... Read More →
Thursday February 27, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am MST
ECC - Salon 8/9
  Retirement/New Teachers, Leadership
  • Company English
  • format csv
  • Room Details ECC - Salon 8/9 (Edmonton Convention Centre (ECC), Max capacity for 560 people)
  • Tags English

11:40am MST

ARTA and the ARTA Benefit Plans - Looking Ahead to New ADVENTURES "Presented by Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association
Thursday February 27, 2025 11:40am - 12:40pm MST
If you are considering retirement within the next five years, then you’ve got some big decisions just around the corner. Make sure you’re ready for them! This presentation will go over everything you need to know about the Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (ARTA), including programs and perks available to members and, of course, the nationally acclaimed Health Benefit Plans, complete with information on all the health, travel, and dental benefits ARTA offers. A current retired teacher will provide important points to consider before making the leap into retirement and will touch on some retirement lessons they’ve learned from experience. Join us to discover how ARTA can give you the support you need to begin this new, exciting adventure.
avatar for ARTA Representatives

ARTA Representatives

Manager of Marketing and Promotions, Alberta Retired Teachers' Assocation
Deb has been an active member of ARTA and Elk Island Retired Teachers’ Association (EIRTA), her local branch, since 2012. She has served on many ARTA committees and served as EIRTA vice president before assuming her current role as ARTA President, where she works to help members... Read More →
Thursday February 27, 2025 11:40am - 12:40pm MST
ECC - D2
  Retirement/New Teachers, General Interest/Wellness
  • Company English
  • format csv
  • Room Details ECC - D2 (Edmonton Convention Centre (ECC), Max capacity for 60 people)
  • Tags English
Friday, February 28

9:00am MST

ATRF Your Pension Essentials
Friday February 28, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
This presentation is designed specifically for teachers that have recently joined the plan. It provides a general overview of the plan, including information about pension contributions, maintaining your spouse/beneficiary information, the eligibility requirements for a pension, purchasing leaves of absences and substitute service, and transferring service with another pension plan.
avatar for Kevin Whitehorne

Kevin Whitehorne

Pension Counsellor, Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund (ATRF)
A Pension counsellor with the Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund (ATRF).
Friday February 28, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
Westin - Chancellor Westin Hotel
  Retirement/New Teachers
  • Company English
  • format Chairs
  • Room Details Westin - Chancellor (Westin Hotel, Chairs Max capacity for 50 people)
  • Tags English

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