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Venue: Centre High - Room 316 clear filter
Thursday, February 27

9:00am MST

ATA Science Council presents Oreo Cookies and the Scientific Method
Thursday February 27, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
Please bring your own device in order to participate fully; this is a very hands on session! With the advent of a new science curriculum, there is a new organization and format to the science curriculum. One of the new Organizing Ideas is the Scientific Method. I will show you how to offer an engaging 2 week unit. Can you let go of sage on the stage and help guide your students through an investigation? Let me show you how with this highly engaging investigation. We will then explore ways that scientific inquiry can be incorporated into other organizing ideas for various grade levels.
avatar for Michelle Savoie

Michelle Savoie

Secretary (6-9 science teacher), Science Council
Michelle Savoie is a passionate science teacher of grade 6-9 students at Eleanor Hall School in Clyde for the last 17 years. She lives in Edmonton with her husband and son. When not spending time with her family, she enjoys advocating for our colleagues as the local president for... Read More →
Thursday February 27, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
Centre High - Room 316 Centre High
  • Company English
  • format csv
  • Room Details Centre High - Room 316 (Centre High, Max capacity for 25 people)
  • Tags English

10:20am MST

ATA Science Council presents Computational Thinking for Everyone!
Thursday February 27, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am MST
Please bring your own device in order to participate fully; this is a very hands on session! The goal of this session is to help K-12 educators learn about computational thinking (CT), how it differs in some ways and connects in other ways with computer science (CS) and how it can be integrated into a variety of subject areas. Some of the questions and activities will ask you to think about how you might approach things in your own classroom. I’ll provide lots of scaffolding and support to help you create a lesson in your own classroom that involves computational thinking.
avatar for Michelle Savoie

Michelle Savoie

Secretary (6-9 science teacher), Science Council
Michelle Savoie is a passionate science teacher of grade 6-9 students at Eleanor Hall School in Clyde for the last 17 years. She lives in Edmonton with her husband and son. When not spending time with her family, she enjoys advocating for our colleagues as the local president for... Read More →
Thursday February 27, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am MST
Centre High - Room 316 Centre High
  Division 1/2 Core, Biology/Physics/Chemistry/Science
  • Company English
  • format csv
  • Room Details Centre High - Room 316 (Centre High, Max capacity for 25 people)
  • Tags English

1:00pm MST

Demystifying Desmos
Thursday February 27, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST
Desmos.com is more than just a graphing calculator - it is also a collection of interactive resources for use in online or face-to-face learning that stimulate great reasoning, discussion, and active learning for students. If you haven't yet tried out desmos in your classroom, this session will go over the basics of how to use the desmos teacher tools and go over some of the best activities that I have found on their website so that you don't have to spend hours surfing the website to find activities that match your grade 7 - 9 Math curriculum. Participants will need to bring their own device (laptop or other) so that they are able to participate in this active session.
Thursday February 27, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST
Centre High - Room 316 Centre High
  • Company English
  • format csv
  • Room Details Centre High - Room 316 (Centre High, Max capacity for 25 people)
  • Tags English

2:20pm MST

Make the Most of each Moment - engaging routines to open and close your Math classes
Thursday February 27, 2025 2:20pm - 3:20pm MST
Amplify the power of the first or last few minutes of your Math class. This session will showcase a variety of Math routines that are simple to implement and that encourage students to engage collaboratively or independently. Encourage different modes of thinking and long-term learning as you spiral through the various strands of the curriculum on a regular basis. This session is intended to complement the Mathematics curriculum for grades 4 - 9. Come ready to play with some Math (this is an active session) and hopefully grab an activity or two that you can use on Monday.
avatar for Melanie Fricot

Melanie Fricot

Melanie Fricot has taught Math from grade 1 to first year university (in Bhutan). She has spent the last decade teaching grade 6, and then grades 7 - 9 Math. She is passionate about encouraging students to be confident problem solvers in the Mathematics classroom
Thursday February 27, 2025 2:20pm - 3:20pm MST
Centre High - Room 316 Centre High
  • Company English
  • format csv
  • Room Details Centre High - Room 316 (Centre High, Max capacity for 25 people)
  • Tags English

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